SBC Shing Tak Centre School
We may not know what the future holds, but we do know that caring about the development of every child can make the world a better place.

School Campus

我們於2005年遷入現址,設有實驗室、視藝室、音樂室、科技與生活室、圖書館、電腦室及多用途室。近年亦增設園藝花圃及健身器材。 在多元學習室加入S.T.E.A.M.元素,提供專業器材,讓學生發展專題課程活動,例如:機械、科學與電子探研活動及媒體創作,為學生帶來嶄新體驗。
We were originally based in Shing Tak Street in To Kwa Wan before moving to our current location in 2005. The S.T.E.A.M. Room offers creative learning opportunities in science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics using state-of-the-art equipment. This provides an innovative space for students to apply their subject knowledge in the different disciplines to their daily lives.

School Life

The school is committed to creating a harmonious, healthy and caring environment for students, cultivating students' kindness and fulfilling their potential. Our aim is to help the students to return to mainstream schools and continue their studies or successfully develop their career path.

Application for Admission

Subject to the specialists’ assessment and recommendations, and with parents’ consent, children with more severe or multiple disabilities are placed in special schools for intensive support by the Education Bureau through the central coordination and referral system. Interviews are then scheduled for further evaluation.
  • 地圵:九龍觀塘利安里 2 號 A
  • 電話:2711 4800 傳真: 2712 3085
  • 電郵