學生發展 Student Development
●智能發展(S.T.E.A.M. 科創活動小組、模型車製作小組)
●Intellectual development (S.T.E.A.M. & radio-controlled car club)
●Physical and aesthetic development (sports training & adventure-based activities)
●Community service (Christian fellowship of pastoral care for youth Ltd.)
●Arts education (music appreciation club, the voice of Shing Tak)
●Moral and civic education (school-wide collaboration)
Our school organises diverse training activities and volunteer services according to students’ interests, characteristics and potential.
We extend the learning from classroom to other environments by offering life-wide learning courses and an art course for senior forms.
We broaden students’ international horizons by organising overseas exchange activities to different regions in Asia.
Our School enhances an understanding of Chinese culture and historical development by organising study tours for senior form students. They will also visit overseas universities to prepare for their potential studies abroad.