言語治療服務 Speech Therapy Service
- 為所有入學新生進行言語能力評估,及早識別並撰寫評估報告;
- 為有言語障礙的學生定期進行言語能力覆檢,制訂個別言語治療計劃,按其需要和特性提供個別訓練、小組訓練或/及入班支援,並撰寫進度報告。
- 介紹及推廣言語治療服務,加深教師及專責人員對言語障礙及支援策略的了解;
- 與教師及專責人員定期進行個案討論,交流並共同跟進學生情況;
- 透過課堂或活動協作,增加學生在生活上應用不同語言策略的機會,促進治療成效的類化,提升學習成效。
- 透過面談及電話諮詢,向家長講解學生的言語能力特徵、訓練進展及建議;
- 按學生需要,提供家長訓練,強化在家支援。
- 透過舉辦活動及推動跨科組合作,加強全校學生的說話技巧及自信心,提升其表達、理解及語用(社交溝通)能力;
- 例如:校園訪問、點唱活動、社交溝通問答比賽與攤位活動、學習成果介紹、社區訪問、嘉賓接待訓練、升學面試訓練及畢業典禮致辭訓練等。
The four common types of speech and language impairment (SLI) in the school-aged population are articulation problems, language problems, fluency problems and voice problems. The school-based speech therapist provides comprehensive speech and language assessment; and training for both primary and secondary students. Early identification and timely support for students with SLI facilitates their development of communication, learning and social abilities. According to the needs of students, school-based speech therapy service is designed and implemented to promote prevention, remediation and enhancement.
Outline of Service
Students Level
- conducting speech and language assessment for all students;
- devising treatment plans, as well as conducting individual, group and in-class speech therapy;
- providing assessment and progress reports.
Teachers and Other Professionals Level
- promoting understanding of SLI and supporting strategies in the staff team;
- participating in case conferences to discuss the needs of students and follow-up support;
- collaborating on various school activities and lessons to promote treatment effectiveness and skills generalization.
Parents Level
- offering parent consultation over phone and during face-to-face meetings to explain language profiles of students, discuss treatment directions and progress;
- providing caregiver training to strengthen home-school cooperation and home support.
School Level
- enhancing students’ communication skills and confidence to communicate verbally through organization of various activities, such as school reporters program, social communication themed booth games and quiz competitions, student ambassadors training, mock interviews, etc.