關愛校園 Supportive Care



Emphasising Moral and Value Education

It is our vision to be a leading school in improving the social development of boys in Hong Kong. This will be done through:

●creating a caring campus environment.

●implementing, at class level, self-directed learning and management skills.

●promoting the importance of personal social and moral education.

●cultivating the spirit of self-discipline and politeness, respect for teachers, love for classmates and of taking pride in belonging to the school.

●utilising the same two class teachers per class fom S1 to S6 in order to better understand each student’s unique needs, set goals together, help students learn and grow under the teachers’ care.

「 盛龍欣賞卡 」 計劃


Shing Tak Reward Scheme

The introduction of the Shing Tak Reward Scheme celebrates students’ positive behaviour effectively.

發放盛德正能量         Be Positive

         建立自我好形象         Be Confident



  • 教師及社工組成專業團隊,跟進學生在適應主流學校的學習或社交情況,並按需要作出輔導。
  • 安排校友聚會,加強離校生與我們的聯繫。
  • 向主流學校的老師及專責人員提供專業交流及諮詢服務,並會親身到校給予支援服務,以協助離校生順利融入校園生活。
School Partnership Scheme

Serving as a social development school, we have been working closely with schools to facilitate our students’ transition back to mainstream education since 2005.

  • Our teachers and support staff provide extensive support to our students.
  • Regular alumni events are hosted to bring the Shing Tak community together.
  • Teachers of social development and mainstream schools take part in professional sharing activities.
盛德服務生計劃 - 義工服務


Volunteering in the Community

Our school believes in making a difference in our community. Through volunteering, students develop their collaboration and communication skills. Students work in small groups to pay regular home visits to the elderly and people living with disabilities.




計劃內容豐富,包括:健康校園資訊講座、參觀戒毒服務及戒毒康復者分享、體藝活動工作坊、影片製作及訪問技巧訓練小組與參觀香港賽馬會禁毒資訊天地及工作坊等。學生透過參與各項多元化的活動,除可豐富其他學層經歷,充實校園生活之外,亦可在校內營造一個無毒、健康愉快的學習環境,建立積極關愛的校園。此外,計劃亦包含測檢元素,測檢目的旨在  固沒有吸食毒品的學生繼續遠離毒品,以及預防吸毒問題在校園出現。詳見計劃守則。


Healthy School Programme with a Drug Testing Component

Our school partners with “Light up the Darkness” to implement a “healthy school programme with a drug testing component” for two consecutive academic years from 2023-2025.

 The programme is funded by the Beat Drug Fund Association (BDFA). It is a school-based anti-drug education initiative aiming to enhance students' physical and mental health and foster their awareness through participating in diversified personal growth activities and voluntary school drug testing, thereby promoting the cultivation of healthy and drug-free school culture.

 Various activities will be organised, including leadership training, adventure activities, emotional management workshops, growth support groups, and career planning workshops, to name a few.

In addition, school drug tests can help build students' capacity to stay away from drugs, strengthen an anti-drug culture in schools, and enhance the motivation of those in need to seek help and guidance. The details of the plan are attached.

健康生活發展校園計劃-校園測檢計劃守則 Drug Testing Protocol of Healthy Lifestyle School Development Program